More Information
Author Mattie Boom
Pages 144
Signed No
ISBN 9065790330
Publisher Fragment
Publishing date 1989
Publishing place Amsterdam
Language Dutch, English
Edition first edition
Binding Softcover with dustjacket
Dimensions (cm hxb) 29,9 x 23,8
Number published 1750
abebooks_price €62.00
Important work of reference text in Dutch and English with b/w illustrations, biographies, list of books in exhibition, list of photographs in exhibition, indices. Copy as new of this important work of reference. On Oscar van Alphen, Emmy Andriesse, Marrie Bot, Willem Diepraam, Ed van der Elsken, Cor Jaring, Ata Kando, Johan (Joan) van der Keuken, Aart Klein, Cas Oorthuys, Dolf Toussaint, Sanne Sannes, Koen Wessing, Ad Windig and many others. Edition of 1700 copies.

Dutch photographers

Photography Between Covers Dutch Documentary Photobook After 1945

Important work of reference text in Dutch and English Photography between covers. The Dutch documentary photobook after 1945biographies, list of books in exhibition, list of photographs in exhibition, indices. Important work of reference. On Oscar van Alphen, Emmy Andriesse, Marrie Bot, Willem Diepraam, Ed van der Elsken, Cor Jaring, Ata Kando, Johan (Joan) van der Keuken, Aart Klein, Cas Oorthuys, Dolf Toussaint, Sanne Sannes, Koen Wessing, Ad Windig and many others.
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