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Author Martín Chambi / Mario Vargas Llosa
Pages 119
Signed No
ISBN 8477821321
Publisher Lunwerg Editores
Publishing date 1989
Publishing place Madrid & Barcelona
Language Spanish
Edition First edition
Binding Softcover
Dimensions (cm hxb) 29 x 29
abebooks_price €60.00
“Without a doubt, Martín Chambí’s images laid bare all the social complexity of the Andes. Those images place us in the heart of highland feudalism, in the haciendas of the large land-holders, with their servants and concubines, in the colonial processions of contrite and drunken throngs, and in the smoky chicher’as. . . . Of Martín Chambi it is enough to say that in those thirty-some years of photographing, there was no corner of the Cuzco universe he did not appropriate or immortalize.”—Mario Vargas Llosa, from the Foreword

All photography books

Martín Chambi Photographs, 1920-1950

Martín Chambi assembled an unprecedented collection of photographs of the people and landscape of Cuzco, the ancient Inca capital that was in his day a cultural center in Peru.
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