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Auteur Morad Bouchakour
Pages 62
Gesigneerd No
ISBN 9789081459914
Uitgever Morad Bouchakour
Publicatiedatum 2009
Publicatieplaats Amsterdam
Taal Engels
Editie First edition
Binding unknown_binding
Conditie boek UsedLikeNew
Conditie beschrijving This is number 66 of 500. Includes a handmade slipcase in as new condition.
Conditie omslag As new
Afmeting (cm hxb)) 30x23
Oplage 500



Morad Bouchakour was one of the photographers invited by Foam (Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam) to give a picture of modern New York for a group exhibition in that city commemorating four centuries of connections between Manhattan and the Netherlands. Bouchakour, a sometime New York resident, pointed his camera at passers-by who did not stand out in the New York street scene. Communications agency Vandejong, which also works for Foam, then cast the resulting piece of photojournalism in the shape of a large fan-fold that the panel thought well suited to Bouchakour’s style of photography. It’s a pity this not particularly exclusive-looking ‘book’ has been brought out in a limited edition of only 500 copies. It deserves a wider audience.
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