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Auteur Nick Ballon
Pages 51
Gesigneerd No
ISBN 0992972906
Uitgever self published (LABproject)
Publicatiedatum 2013
Publicatieplaats UK
Taal Engels
Editie First edition
Conditie boek UsedLikeNew
Afmeting (cm hxb)) 28,5 x 24
Oplage 500
In Ezekiel 36:36 photographer Nick Ballon’s fascination and personal connection with Bolivia is brought to life with his documentation of Lloyd Aéreo Boliviano (LAB), one of the world’s oldest surviving airlines. Founded in 1925, it has played an important role in every stage of the country’s history. Since its privatisation in 1994, LAB has suffered at the hands of successive administrations, becoming gradually dismantled due to chronic mismanagement and corruption. Currently under threat of closure and with its downed of aircraft slowly crumbling away, this airline continues to survive through the loyalty and faith of its remaining 180 staff. Sensitive to this poignant and transitional time, Ballon has spent six months recording the present day story of LAB. He has created a series of images, which evoke a sense of dignity, allowing us to share intimate moments with the people and personalities still on the airline’s fragile payroll. Together with the Bolivian born writer Amaru Villanueva Rance’s narrative, this is the time that LAB has been so extensively portrayed in both words and images, and the time that the story has been told. The book’s title Ezekiel 36:36 refers to the name of the only plane LAB currently has in operation, renamed after it narrowly avoided a tragic accident. Ezekiel 36:36 has in many ways become a metaphor for the story of Bolivia and its people: Resigned to look back at past glory and grandeur which is at once half-imagined and half-remembered. There is a paradoxical sense of loss and optimism, which resonates throughout and as the narrative unfolds you can’t help but feel that Ballon’s presentation of LAB relates to us all in some way. Ezekiel 36:36 includes a booklet which documents another side of LAB, showcasing archive imagery taken by staff during the heyday, coupled with dynamic graphic design and typography that was created in house using a technique called Rubylith.

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Ezekiel 36:36

Documentation of Lloyd Aéreo Boliviano, one of the world’s oldest surviving airlines. Including risograph booklet from the L.A.B. archive and unique hand written flight coupon.
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