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Auteur Nobuyoshi Araki
Pages n.p.
Gesigneerd No
Uitgever Taka Ishii Gallery / Zen Foto Gallery
Publicatiedatum 2011
Publicatieplaats Tokyo, Japan
Taal Engels, Japans
Editie First edition
Binding paperback
Conditie boek UsedLikeNew
Afmeting (cm hxb)) 13 x18
Oplage 1000


Theater of Love

A collection of recently rediscovered pictures taken by Araki in the mid 1960s, several years before his Sentimental Journey debut in 1970. Matches the 5×7 size of the actual rough little prints while the content allows one to see the the very foundations of Araki’s future major themes coming to light. Limited edition of 1000 copies.
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