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Auteur Albrecht Heim / Julius Maure / Eduard Spelterini
Pages 124
Gesigneerd No
Uitgever Benno Schwabe
Publicatiedatum 1899
Publicatieplaats Basel
Taal Duits
Editie First edition
Binding hardcover
Conditie boek CollectibleVeryGood
Conditie beschrijving New endpapers and title in gold on back - professional re-bound. Includes several maps fold outs.
Conditie omslag Fine
Afmeting (cm hxb)) 24x16


Die Fahrt der Wega uber Alpen und Jura am 3. Oktober 1898

First edition of this rare description of a scientific ballooning. Ttip over the Alps and Jura to the area of Lanres in France. With photographs by Adrien Mercier; Schönberger; Kleindienst & Schmid: First initiative and preparation;. The Vega; The Voyage of the Vega; The meteorological results;
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