More Information
Auteur Anaïs López
Pages 80
Gesigneerd Yes
ISBN 9090129146
Uitgever Self published
Publicatiedatum 2011
Publicatieplaats Amsterdam
Taal Nederlands
Editie First edition
Binding hardcover
Conditie boek New
Conditie beschrijving Mint copy signed by Anton Martineau. Numbered 391/600
Conditie omslag New
Afmeting (cm hxb)) 25x18
Oplage 600
Anaïs López is a visual artist in Amsterdam based in the Netherlands. She is a documentary photographer who works with still and moving images. The choice for still and/or moving images is decided exclusively by the story that she wants to tell. She graduated from the Royal Art Academy in The Hague in 2006 and she did a two year Masters till 2010 at Sint Joost Academy in Breda about narrative structures and documentary strategies. Besides working for magazines as an independent photographer, she makes photo documentaries about things that matter to her. In her work she investigate how people live in the city. What fascinates her is how these people try to find (or make) a place in an urban society. The main question she asks herself in her work is whether people make the city or the city makes the people. She uses her camera as a tool to capture that interaction between people and the city. She alternates between zooming in on one individual and capturing the city that this individual lives in. You could say that she switchs from macro to micro level. In this manner she tries to capture the image of the city with a personal story and build a bridge between the private and the public sphere.

Nederlandse fotografen

Als tijd niet bestaat

Twaalf jaar lang heeft fotografe Anaïs López de Cobra-schilder Anton Martineau gefotografeerd in zijn atelier. Honderden negatieven en dia’s werden er gemaakt en Anton maakte speciaal voor dit boek de gedichten en tekeningen.
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