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Auteur Fowles John / Frank Horvat
Pages 124
Gesigneerd No
ISBN 0906053048
Uitgever Aurum Pres
Publicatiedatum 1979
Publicatieplaats London
Taal Engels
Editie First edition
Binding hardcover
Conditie boek CollectibleVeryGood
Conditie beschrijving Very fine copy
Conditie omslag Fine
Afmeting (cm hxb)) 24x31

Photo magazines / catalogues

The Tree

'Trees' was held at the Museé des Arts Décoratifs, Nantes 1977. Writer, John Fowles 1925 -2005 published many books, several to critical acclaim. b.1928, Horvat's early work featured in Picture Post, Paris Match & Life. From 1957 he was a regular contributor to Vogue and Elle. Horvat has been widely exhibited and published and is still active. He remarks here 'it very often happens that a photograph. could be made acceptable by various manipulations such as retouching and colour filtering.I wish to preserve in each photograph .the greatest of its powers: credibility.' Some of these photos taken on dull days, demonstrate the quick snap and others a lengthier consideration.
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