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Auteur Gerco de Ruijter / Jeroen van Westen / Anne Ausloos / Ton Haak
Pages 180
Gesigneerd No
Uitgever self-published
Publicatiedatum 2005
Publicatieplaats Enschede
Taal Engels
Editie First edition
Binding hardcover
Conditie boek UsedLikeNew
Conditie beschrijving Mint copy
Conditie omslag As new
Afmeting (cm hxb)) 21x15
Oplage 300
Each of the three artists has selected visuals (and texts) defining his or her New Mexico work.The fourth book was composed by Ton Haak, their Dutch-born guide who lives in Abiquiu, New Mexico, which was the focus of their New Mexico explorations. In his contribution, titled 'High Desert Drifter', Ton Haak writes about his more than 10 years in Abiquiu, his thoughts and experiences, and his collaboration with the three artists. The four books of 'Desert Passage' present different opinions, different experiences, and different artistic results - four individual views, sometimes opposite, mostly strengthening each other.The cross references, correlations, and divergences provide a diverse yet interesting historic (visual) documentation of one of the last original deserts of the 'Wild West'.

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Desert Passage

Limited edition (300 ex) Design: Pleun Vos. Fall 2005, Anne Ausloos, Jeroen van Westen and Gerco de Ruijter spent many weeks working in north-central New Mexico. Part of the time they were Artists in Residence at the Santa Fé Art Institute. After returning to Europe and presenting the results of their trip in Ghent, Rotterdam and Amsterdam, they decided to self-publish their findings in a limited edition artist book titled 'Desert Passage'. 'Desert Passage' is not one book but four books in one.
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