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Auteur Koen Wessing
Pages 136
Gesigneerd No
ISBN 9789078068488
Uitgever Voetnoot Publishers
Publicatiedatum 2009
Publicatieplaats Antwerpen
Taal Engels
Editie First edition
Binding hardcover
Conditie boek New
Conditie beschrijving As new in publishers wraps
Afmeting (cm hxb)) 20,5 x 28

Nederlandse fotografen

China 85/07

Dutch photographer Koen Wessing has visited China on four different occasions, firstly in 1985, and more recently in 2007 when he visited Chongqing, Tibet and Kashgar. During these visits the photographer turned his camera primarily on the less affluent parts of the population and on rural migrants. His expressive and emphatic black and white photography, that has been gathered in this monograph, offers an intriguing look at the reality of China as it was then, and now. The publication is introduced by an informative essay by Catherine Vuylsteke and includes an up-to-date biography of Wessing.
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