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Auteur Koos Breukel
Pages 36
Gesigneerd No
ISBN 9075574037
Uitgever Willem van Zoetendaa
Publicatiedatum 1996
Publicatieplaats Amsterdam
Taal Engels
Editie First edition
Binding hardcover
Conditie boek New
Conditie beschrijving Mint
Conditie omslag New
Afmeting (cm hxb)) 18x15

Nederlandse fotografen


The series of portraits of Michael Matthews might almost be described as a manifesto, so strong are the lines of force prefiguring Koos Breukel’s later work. He originally responded to a request from Matthews, an HIV-positive poet and performer who saw these photographic sessions as his last performance before his death. These are sombre images of dry, dark, cracked skin, of the pure lines of a delicate bone structure, capturing the light falling on the ultimate beauty of a changing human body from which Koos was to make an artwork in its own right – with the little book composed by Willem van Zoetendaal forming its delicate yet powerful punctuation. (text Elisabeth Nora)
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