More Information
Auteur Paul Graham
Pages 80
Gesigneerd No
ISBN 0950870323
Uitgever Grey Editions
Publicatiedatum 1987
Publicatieplaats London
Taal Engels
Editie First edition
Binding paperback
Conditie boek CollectibleVeryGood
Conditie beschrijving Name prev. owner on first empty page; else fine; very nice clean copy
Conditie omslag Fine
Afmeting (cm hxb)) 23x30


Troubled Land

Troubled Land deals with the small but insistent signs of deep political division within the landscape of Northern Ireland at the time of the "troubles." Avoiding both cliches of sensationalist urban mayhem, or escapist rural idyll, the images flow from inner city through the fringe towns and villages, and out to the countryside, concentrating in each case upon the visual footnotes of the conflict. One of the three books of Graham's work that redefined the European approach to documentary photography. Very influential and very scarce.
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