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Auteur Paul de Nooijer
Pages 36
Gesigneerd No
ISBN 908000961x
Uitgever S.l. : s.n.
Publicatiedatum 1987
Publicatieplaats Tilburg
Taal Nederlands, Engels, Frans
Editie first edition
Binding paperback
Conditie boek CollectibleVeryGood
Conditie beschrijving Flawless copy
Afmeting (cm hxb)) 22x25cm
Oplage 1000

All photography books

Squares : magie in de Vleeshal : de fotografie van Paul de Nooijer

Introduction by Jos Houweling First ed. Photographs by prize-winning Dutch photographer and film-maker, Paul de Nooijer, who studied industrial design and began his career in advertising and illustration, later to become a freelance photographer. In many of his films and photos, which have surrealistic imagery, he uses his wife and son as the principal models. The photos collected here were made from 1966 through to 1981. Includes bibliography, list of exhibitions, films, etc. In Dutch, English, French and German.
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