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Auteur Paul Kooiker
Pages 84
Gesigneerd No
ISBN 9789072532077
Uitgever Van Zoetendaal
Publicatiedatum 2011
Publicatieplaats Amsterdam
Taal Engels
Editie First edition
Binding paperback
Conditie boek UsedLikeNew
Conditie omslag As new
Afmeting (cm hxb)) 24 x 34
Oplage 1000
The spirit of Hans Bellmer lives in the twenty first century in Kooikers monograph Sunday. These limpid outdoor photographs capture a naked fat woman wearing high heels, her white body so bleached that her genitalia are invisible, rendering her doll-like. She poses, faceless, in positions that are sometimes sexual, sometimes motionless and morbid. Around her is a back garden, with a homemade dais for her to pose on, and views of dark trees and bushes with blood-red leaves. Kooiker uses his contemporary technique to create an oblique, threatening, somehow vintage atmosphere.


Paul Kooiker Sunday

Paul Kooiker’s SUNDAY consists of a great diversity of images of one female model. Bright colours, porcelain skin, shiny shoes: turning the pages means moving a lightening sculpture in a natural way, almost in harmony but at unexpected moments bizar and surrealistic.
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