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Auteur Tacita Dean
Pages 176
Gesigneerd No
ISBN 3882436735
Uitgever Steidl Press
Publicatiedatum 2001
Publicatieplaats Zurich
Taal Engels, Duits
Editie First edition
Binding hardcover
Conditie boek CollectibleVeryGood
Conditie beschrijving Signed by Tacita Dean and numbered 777/4000.
No slipcase. Name owner on title page, very light toning to edges of pages. Else fine.
Conditie omslag Fine
Afmeting (cm hxb)) 30 x 25
Oplage 4000
The images in FLOH are photographs discovered by Tacita Dean in flea markets across Europe and America. These portraits, holiday snapshots, documents of banal occurrences or spectacular views have all been retrieved and given a new existence. They keep the silence of the flea market; the silence they had when they were found; the silence of the lost object. Eventually, Tacita Dean stopped going to flea markets for fear of finding an image that 'should have been in the book', but then resolved to believe that there isn't, and can never be, a final version to this collection. FLOH exists in the continuum and will one day return ownerless and silent to its origins in the flea market.

All photography books


Beautiful collection of photographs found in fleamarkets edited by Tacaita Dean. Signed copy. No text
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