More Information
Auteur Thomas Ruff
Pages 132
Gesigneerd No
ISBN 9781597110938
Uitgever Aperture
Publicatiedatum 2009
Publicatieplaats New York
Taal Engels
Editie First edition
Binding hardcover
Conditie boek New
Conditie beschrijving new book
Conditie omslag New
Afmeting (cm hxb)) 29,5x39
Thomas Ruff is among the most important international photographers to emerge in the last fifteen years, and one of the most enigmatic and prolific of Bernd and Hilla Becher`s former students, a group that includes Andreas Gursky, Thomas Struth, Candida Höfer, and Axel Hutte. In 2007, Ruff completed his monumental Jpegs series in which he explores the distribution and reception of images in the digital age. Starting with images he culls primarily from the Web, Ruff enlarges them to a gigantic scale, which exaggerates the pixel patterns until they become sublime geometric displays of color. Many of Ruff`s works in the series focus on idyllic, seemingly untouched landscapes, and conversely, scenes of war, and nature disturbed by human manipulation. Taken together, these masterworks create an encyclopedic compendium of contemporary visual culture that also actively engages the history of landscape painting. A fittingly deluxe and oversized volume, Jpegs is the first monograph dedicated exclusively to the publication of Ruff`s remarkable series.

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Thomas Ruff: jpegs

Jpegs is a stunningly beautiful book. Seeing the images in the book has made me re-appreciate the sheer beauty of this body of work.
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