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Auteur Wijnanda Deroo
Pages 96
Gesigneerd No
ISBN 978907415963
Uitgever Uitgeverij De Verbeelding
Publicatiedatum 2003
Publicatieplaats Amsterdam
Taal Nederlands
Editie First edition
Binding hardcover
Conditie boek UsedLikeNew
Afmeting (cm hxb)) 25 x 30


Huizen van Vereniging Hendrick de Keyser

Houses of Vereniging Hendrick de Keyser photographed by Wijnanda Deroo, design Lex Reitsma. Vereniging Hendrick de Keyser, the historic houses association of The Netherlands, aims to be the guardian of the architectural heritage of The Netherlands by acquiring, conserving, restoring and renting out historic properties. Buildings which it acquires have to meet strict requirements. They have to be fine examples of the architecture or the living history of a certain period. Much attention is given to the authenticity of the interiors.
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